Words like resolution, goals, vision etc. normally fly in the air during New Year time. You wish each other happy new year, but does it just mean moving from one year to another? Everybody goes through the New Year but does everyone go through the growth that they want to see in the New Year? Your vision and resolution will change your life only when you have a better vision or resolution than the previous year. It’s a fact that your vision will change your life but you will have a great vision only when you realise the truth. For this you need to have a vision and the vision is possible only when you have the truth; otherwise every year will be the same. It’s time to have a great vision this New Year so that you outgrow the previous year in the present year.
What do I mean by vision in the very first place? It’s not just dreaming big or listening to motivational speeches thinking that it will take you to next level. It’s the clarity about the difference that you want to see in every aspect of life. Ask yourself where you stand in terms of relationship quotient, financial status, personal growth and spiritual search. Wherever you are, accept the fact which is the first step towards reality. Now see the gap between where you are and where you want to be. This clarity about the difference that you want to see in every aspect of life is called as vision.
Everyone is good at creating a vision but they are not good at enjoying that vision because they don’t understand the truth. Even if they understand it, they fail to realise it. Your vision will automatically change to greater level once you realise the truth. That is the power of truth. Understanding the truth is different from realising the truth. Knowing that healthy food or exercise is good for your body is called understanding, but taking effort to consume that food or dedicating time for exercise is no more an understanding; it’s the process of enjoying and experiencing which is called realising the truth.
Truth is easy to understand but what is the truth? Everything is created by the same source called God. This source is already within you. That is the ultimate truth of our shastras. Truth is easy to understand by reading and listening. But to realise it, you need to put effort. Once you take the effort to understand the truth, your vision will change for you, you don’t have to change it. It will automatically change for you, which means it will change your life. That is the power of realising the truth.
This New Year, I am not here to talk about resolutions. Everybody is good at it. But I want to give the truth which will help you have a great vision which in turn will give you the power to live a great life. What is that? Tell yourself that everybody is blessed with this power right from birth till your last breath; God is all powerful and that power of God is within you. Every human being has the power to connect with the God within their own self. That is the reason Vedas insist on self-realization and not God realization. This is not a concept it’s a truth which will never change. It’s eternal. There is God and that God is within you, not outside of you.
Once you know this, you will realise that you have the power to change everything not through you, but through the God in you. “Every trouble is temporary and peace is permanent” is the realization of this truth. But peace is possible only when you realise the truth that God is in you. Vedas say, ‘The sooner you know the truth, the greater your life will become’. So, I recommend that one should never postpone the effort to realise the truth.
Meditation is one powerful process to connect with the God within and to talk to that God in order to manifest your vision to physical reality. Tell yourself you have no power to change what’s happening outside of you but you have all the power to change what’s happening within you. With this power you can change everything that is going to happen for you and all that which is happening for you. Let this be the greatest truth that is realized for this New Year to gift you a new life, a new beginning. The external world is nothing but the exact reflection of your inner world. And you have the power to change your inner world by which you can change everything you want to see in your world.
Wishing you and your family a new year full of unstoppable success and happiness in every aspect of life.
Atmayogi Shri Aasaanji
Aham Brahmasmi !