Nothing is More Significant than Spiritual Power
There are lot of powers available in this world namely solar, wind, hydroelectric, atomic etc. But truly speaking, these powers are not real powers; they are actually hidden powers because the source can never utilise its power for any purpose. For example, sun can never use its power for its own growth. Same is the case for wind and water. It is we humans who extract energy from various sources in nature either to utilise them or to save it. Therefore it’s our human power which is responsible for the existence of all these energies. It is the human mind which understood the nature of sun and the need of other humans. Once a human mind has learnt and created a system to extract solar energy, the rest of the human minds just need to adapt to it.
We fail to understand that there is one power which is above all these powers – the spiritual power, which will not take any instructions from others. It can be attained only through self-commitment and self-enquiry.
Every human being is designed to experience this higher consciousness but that is possible only when we work with our inner-self. Since this power comes from within, it is also called the power of Atma. Each one of us is blessed with this human form only to develop our spiritual power to experience a peaceful life throughout. Most of them think that money can buy anything and everything that they want; knowledge is no more a factor to experience physical pleasure. One can own a car without knowing its technology. Anyone can enjoy delicious food without knowing how to cook. Here knowledge is not a primary requirement. But it’s high time you realise that there is one thing that money can’t buy and the absence of this factor creates lot of distress in this world. And that is Peace which can be achieved only through self-effort on self-enquiry. The moment you understand this, a peaceful life is guaranteed for you. If you are not ready to do this, you will continue to live in a belief system. You will never have the ability to express your intellectual capacity if you live in a superstitious world. The following short story throws light on this concept.
A father and daughter shared a beautiful relationship. Both used to visit many temples and the father used to explain about each temple and the God they visit. Once when they went to a temple, the father was surprised to see his daughter hiding behind a pillar with fear, unwilling to enter the temple premises. When asked, she pointed to a statue of a lion and answered that she was afraid it might eat her up. The father laughed and tried to explain that it is just a statue and hence harmless. The confused daughter then asked about the statue of God which everyone believes to be their saviour. If a statue of lion cannot do anything, how can a statue of God protect the humans? For the first time, the father went speechless in front of his daughter. He thought about the belief system that his forefathers taught him and the question that his daughter asked about real God (for which he himself had no answer). He then convinced her that someday he will be able answer her question. But she insisted on knowing about the real God and there started her self-enquiry.
Everyone is given a choice at every given point of time. Either you can choose to live with the existing belief systems or take a pause and give yourself a thought to get into self-enquiry. Vedas also insist on self-enquiry (Atma Vichara) which is the fundamental need for achieving spiritual power. The effort of enquiring the self by the self about the self. Once you start doing this, untold aspects of nature will be revealed to you. Out of lakhs and lakhs of species in this world, it’s only we humans who have the ability to think about who we are and what we are, not just about who is God and what is God. Every other creature is destined to live as per the design of God. Their fate is that they continue to live without knowing their power and potential. They do not work together or form teams to achieve something like humans. On the contrary, as humans, we know who we are and also possess the powers to make use of nature. This spiritual power cannot be acquired from someone; it can only be raised by our own efforts.
One question put forth by the daughter made the father go in search of the real God. He understood that it is impossible to find God in any mountain or temple. One needs to look within to find the real God. This realisation alone will bring peace to the entire world. This cannot be possessed, purchased or shared. It can only be attained. Everybody is blessed with the power of attaining this spiritual power but only self-enquiry will open the door to attaining spiritual power. Once this is attained, your very perception of life will change. Try to understand whether there is any purpose in going around places to search God, in performing rituals in the name of belief systems. Start enquiring as to why am I doing this? What am I doing? Or even who am I in this nature? The sun being the source of solar energy is not able to use its power; similarly wind is unable to use its power for itself but we humans have got the power to extract energy from these natural sources.
At this point, let’s understand that even God who is the source of every power cannot make use of His power on His own. A human power is required to make use of the Divine power. And that power is called the spiritual power which is possible only through self-enquiry and meditation. Meditation requires a healthy and energetic body. Hence Prana-vritti and Atma-dhyana plays a major role in transforming human lives in achieving spiritual power and creating success in every aspect of life. With this understanding, your life will open up to miracles for now and forever.
Wishing you a life of peace, success and happiness.
Atmayogi Shri Aasaanji
Aham Brahmasmi !