Learn the Ultimate Power to Remove your Negative Karma and Gift yourself a New life ! A New Beginning !! Free of Stress and Full of Peace, Success, Richness & Happiness.!!
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After attending Guruji s workshops, I could see things coming my way effortlessly. I feel truly blessed to have met such a divine personality. He is a gift to this entire humanity and I suggest all others to attend his program to enjoy the cream of life.

I Thank the Divine from the bottom of my Heart for giving me such an Enlightened Guru in my Life ! what he is Teaching is not some normal stuff, its Panacea for the Entire Human Society.

I can undoubtedly say that Guruji is the best thing that happened to me in my life. Life has changed completely after practising his teachings. My life has taken a U-turn and mere words can’t express my gratitude towards him. This is not an Illusion, It's Real, I am truly blessed to have met such a person with divine presence.

Unlike many other programs, Shri Aasaanji’ s workshops have the power to change our lives. Atma-dhyana and Prana-vritti are life-transforming programs and one should attend it to experience real success and happiness. My Pranams to Guruji

I had a Miraculous comeback to life after attending Aasaanji’s workshops. I truly see divine presence in him and his teachings are like blessings to our entire humanity. My achievements & progress in my Life hence I Dedicate to Guruji.

Ever since I was introduced to Shri Aasaanji’s programs, my life has seen incredible improvements not only in the spiritual level but also in the physical level. I am grateful for all his teachings and techniques that have transformed me as a person.

Guruji has made me feel confident enough to achieve all that I want in life. One can follow his teachings blindly to experience unstoppable growth and prosperity. Life has not been the same after attending Shri Aasaanji’s workshops.

I have been to various workshops but Shri Aasaanji’ s Workshops have changed both my personal and professional life. Undoubtedly he is a divine blessing to the entire humanity and my experience with Guruji has been life-transforming.

Being a doctor myself, I have no words to explain. This is not just a course; it has helped me to live and perform better and above all love everyone better. Finally I have found a Guru who is truly Enlightened , Thank you Guruji

Atmayoga is not just a course; it has changed my life completely. My experience with Guruji has been magical and I feel this is just a beginning for greater things to come. My life has taken a U-turn and i’d not have been the person that I am today without attending Guruji’s program

I consider Guruji as a real gift to humanity. He is my only visible God and words cannot express my gratitude towards him. After doing Prana-Vritti I feel relaxed and calm and I Actually Slept well for the first time in 27 years! Whatever I am today I owe to my Guriji.

After 5 years of different treatments, I lost hope and never believed that I can Conceive and have a Child in my Life, Ever since I have started Practicing Prana-Vritti I could see so many changes in my physical body. Today am mother of a 2 yr old and I literally owe this to Guruji.