Sleep is the body’s only way of rejuvenating and healing itself without interference of the conscious (read meddlesome) mind. So while sleep seems like a state of rest; it’s only the mind and gross body that are resting. The nervous and endocrine systems and vital internal organs like the heart, kidney, liver, lungs, pancreas and intestines are otherwise receiving energy and busy working towards the optimal functioning and healing of the body.
The Miracle of Sleep
Sleep… that unavoidable and inevitable unconscious state that humans can never consciously experience.
Sleep is the body’s only way of rejuvenating and healing itself without interference of the conscious (read meddlesome) mind. So while sleep seems like a state of rest; it’s only the mind and gross body that are resting. The nervous and endocrine systems and vital internal organs like the heart, kidney, liver, lungs, pancreas and intestines are otherwise receiving energy and busy working towards the optimal functioning and healing of the body.
What really happens during sleep: The five elements of the body are Fire, Water, Earth, Air and Space. Space energy needed for the optimal functioning of the body and activation of cellular respiration is received during natural sleep. Cellular respiration helps flush toxins, absorb nutrition and increase immunity is at its peak. Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is secreted only during sleep. The regeneration and absorption of Calcium is maximum because of active Vitamin D secreted by the kidney. Cholesterol management also happens during sleep.
Sleep induced by medicines cannot be called sleep but sedation. Sleeping pills strain the vital organs and reduce immunity leaving the body more damaged than healed.
A good night’s sleep is a promise of a good day to follow. Your day begins not when you wake up in the morning but before you go to sleep. The way you sleep decides the way you wake up. While the essential needs and virtues of sleep are inarguable; still, countless people suffer from lack of proper sleep. There are some simple ways to aid a good night’s sleep. Meditation ranks the highest among these. Even 20 minutes of meditation before bed can quiet the mind and immensely help a person sleep better. Be grateful for the life you have. A positive self affirmation or self appreciation without a reason works wonders too, not just in aiding sleep but keeping bad dreams at bay.
An adult needs about 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Any more than 8 hours increases lactic acid in the body leaving one lethargic. After a meal, wait for a minimum of 90 minutes before sleeping. Any external stimulation like television, reading or music, however relaxing it may sound should be avoided before sleep.
Sleep is the necessary medicine for all other medicines to work. It’s the handing over of the body and spirit to the universe to work its miracle in the absence of the mind. So sleep in peace, wake up with health and happiness and success has to follow in every aspect of life.
Bless you all and your family with everlasting peace, health and happiness.
Aham Brahmasmi!!
Shri Aasaanji