Peace & Positivity For Ultimate Success!!
Life is very beautiful and at the end of the day that is what we all try to convey. We come across many people in our life who will say all the right words at the right time. But in the end, it’s the action that matters and not the words. Time that has passed will never come back again. This minute, this hour, this day will never come back again in our entire life. Anything that we have lost in terms of time is not just lost, it’s underutilized; it can never be utilised again. So, it’s our responsibility to make use of the time to experience great emotions and feelings or at least to avoid fight, discrimination and above all anger and irritation with our loved ones. If you’re not taking effort to speak good words all the time, at least take effort to avoid using unwanted, harsh words which is not going to help us in any aspect of life.
In fact it’s only going to spoil the existing love and peace in relationships. But why is this happening? Everyone hopes to have a peaceful life but then why do they lose their temper? This can be beautifully explained with the help of a simple metaphor.
You are holding a cup of coffee and relaxing in your garden. Suddenly, someone comes and bumps into you, your body shakes and you lose control over your arm which makes you spill the coffee. But why did you spill the coffee? Was it your intention to spill it? No, it’s because somebody bumped into you and you accidentally spilt it. The answer is as simple as that. Apparently the right answer is you spilt it because the cup was filled with coffee. If the cup had tea, you would have spilt tea and if the cup had orange juice, you would have spilt orange juice. Obviously you are going to spill what is inside the cup. It is clear that spilling will happen for sure but what spills out is decided by you.
Similarly when we encounter any unexpected situation in our relationships or in workplace, we tend to get frustrated and angry. This means that deep within we are filled with these negative emotions like irritation and anger. But do we have a choice? YES !! Though we don’t have a choice to keep our cup empty, we do have a choice to decide what to be filled in our cup. So, no matter how much ever bad a situation you encounter or whoever bumps into your emotions, you will spill out with only what you are filled with.
Hence take effort to fill your cup with utmost gratitude for all the things you are gifted with today. We see many visually challenged people around us. We also come across mentally challenged people. In spite of having everything, many people may not have a vision for their future which you possess. So, it’s time to feel grateful for whatever you have.
It’s time to drop all the unwanted emotions from the past by cultivating a habit called ‘Forgiveness’. We will never be able to forget things that gave us a bad experience or people who betrayed us. Forgiving is not forgetting. It’s an emotion which will not disturb our present activities. It’s not easy to forget and it’s never going to happen because they are memories; but you can definitely forgive. Then you can fill your cup with humility, gratitude, kindness etc. To fill the cup with what you want, you should first empty the cup with what you don’t want. So, take effort to fill your cup with love, peace and everything that you want.
Sit in meditation. Meditation in many ways helps us to eliminate the unwanted emotions and fill ourselves with peace and tolerance. When you do so, in any unexpected situation you have no other choice but to behave in the most wonderful way with peace and love.
It’s possible and it’s simple but it’s not easy. Self-effort is the only way to achieve this. It is definitely possible. And once this is achieved, you will see every impossible things (in personal and professional lives) becoming possible.
Wishing you a life of peace, success and happiness.
Atmayogi Shri Aasaanji
Aham Brahmasmi !