Many people misunderstand spirituality and religion. Anything that is against the oneness of humanity or creates discrimination in humans can never be spiritual. In the present world, people call themselves spiritual by worshipping their own brand of God and having a set of practices. In reality Spirituality is a science. Science remains same for everyone, every-time. There is no such thing called Indian Physics or American Physics; Hindu, Muslim or Christian Physics. Physics remains the same for all. Something that remains the same for everyone, every-time is called Nature.
We fail to realise that there is no difference between Nature and Divine because these two remain the same for everyone, every time.
There is a higher power behind the nature which actually defines the nature; a power called God which created this whole universe. Animals don’t have any knowledge about nature. They just live with nature but they don’t make use of it. But we humans understand nature and make use of it. For example, the speed of light, the boiling point of water and our body temperature – everything is nature which is understood by humans and then passed on to other fellow humans. These things remain the same for everyone, every-time. The same wood which gives us fire will not burn when it’s wet. That is nature. This understanding of nature is called growth in technology or development in science. But the fact is that we have not developed anything in nature or science, we have just developed the awareness about nature. Even after million years from now, humans will never be able to understand nature fully. That is the mystery of this entire creation. It’s never going to give solution to any of the struggle, problem or suffering that we face, because we can never fix a problem unless we know that we have a problem.
Following any religion blindly without understanding the purpose of a religion is like driving a car without having driving abilities. Non acceptance and discrimination are the major problems faced by the present world. All these are in the name of religion and not in the name of the Divine creation. In nature, we all remain the same with respect to quality, ability and functionality-biologically, physically and psychologically. Exploring the power of human biology, physiology and psychology to the fullest potential is called Spirituality.
Spirituality is realising that the only source (or power) that can fix our problem is our own self. Expecting some external power to come and solve our problems and enhance our life is not just waste of time, it is waste of life. Shastras do not follow any particular religion. Every holy book insists the same; they say that there is God and that God is present everywhere.
So, there is no doubt about the fact that God is present everywhere and is also present within you every-time. The realisation of this truth can give you the power which will help you to utilize your powers to fix any problem. Understanding this nature of human being is called Spirituality. Undoubtedly, the highest power of all powers is God. You too have a power; the powers to bring about the changes that you want in life. Every holy scripture reiterates this fact that the next powerful thing in this world (after God) is you. You are next to God and that you have all the powers within you. This is the only power by which even God can fix your life. Stop searching for external powers and start realising the power within you.
A child is curious to buy a toy only if he knows the story of that toy. Similarly, a person will look for God within himself only if he knows the truth about God. The next step is to be with God and that is possible only through Meditation.
God can never be experienced with just knowledge, faith or offerings. That Divine experience comes through meditation alone. And with meditation, even God has no choice to stop the oneness that we experience with Him. So, stop wasting time on searching God outside of you. Experience the God within you which will change your life for good.
Wishing you a Life Full of Peace, Success and Happiness.
Atmayogi Shri Aasaanji
Aham Brahmasmi !