Heaven on earth is possible only for people who’ve realised that ‘Health is Life’
Health – The Only True Wealth
Close your eyes and imagine two beautiful paintings, one on ordinary paper and the other on canvas. If I ask you which painting do you think will last longer, you will say “it’s simple, the one painted on canvas”. Now think of your knowledge, wealth, achievements as the painting and the material it is painted on as your health. And you already know; the painting will last longer if it is painted on canvas.
We humans aim to secure our future through knowledge, wealth etc.; to ensure this unknown journey is without discomfort.
In the pursuit of securing the future we fail to realize the fundamental requirement for our very existence. Known & accepted by one and all; still given the least importance and kept last in life’s priority list is ‘Health’.
We have the honor and pride of belonging to the land whose scriptures advocate ‘health is wealth’. Not with knowledge but with health can existing wealth be enjoyed and enhanced.
What is health? Certainly, you will agree with me knowledge about health is not health. If it were, every person in the medical field would be in prime health. ‘The condition in which one maintains oneself where the possibility of sickness, illness and weakness is eradicated is called the state of health’.
Today, the effort to recover from a sickness or illness is seen as the effort to be healthy. But no sooner is a disease diagnosed and treated, when another is discovered. According to research, more people die of ADR or Adverse Drug Reaction than diseases. Because every pill taken is a foundation or an opportunity for a new ill. It is a proven fact that no medicine exists without a side-effect or an ill-effect and therefore medical care can never be the right approach to towards real health.

‘Preventive Health Care’ is the only answer to health for the present and future generations; both to recover prevalent diseases and prevent ones in future.
Great emphasis is given to healing and immunity but these are naturally occurring processes by a healthy body to repair the damage within the body and prevent it from external elements like virus etc.
To maintain health, the only three factors under one’s control are Nourishment, Exercise and Rest.
Where rest refers to natural and not induced sleep. Without these three pillars, Preventive Health Care cannot be achieved. Consciously taking the effort to have a nutritious diet, right exercise practice and adequate rest will help one maintain and enhance existing healing and immunity despite external factors. Preventive Health Care is about strengthening your weaknesses and also maintaining the strengths you already possess. Once healthy, the foundation is laid to enjoy wealth, knowledge, achievements and the Divine.
PRANA-VRITTI - The Most Powerful Methods & Timeless Energy Technique created by Shri Aasaanji, Highly Recommended by Eminent Medical Doctors, Healers & Wellness Therapist for Vibrant Health and Disease Free for a Lifetime.!!
Wishing you a life of health and happiness for a brighter and better future.
Atmayogi Shri Aasaanji
Aham Brahmasmi !