End of Suffering is Your Choice Alone!
I was recently asked a question that I’m sure confounds many minds…
“Guruji, with the omnipresence of God, still, why is there suffering in this world”?
First and foremost, one should understand that the entire world is not suffering; only the human world is suffering
No other creature from the little butterfly to the magnanimous blue whale, complains or commits suicide. Because unlike the human world they do not suffer. But the number of human beings affected by mental disorders & the number of suicides increase year on year. And we still have the audacity to call ourselves a developed race. Human beings are not developing or growing, we’re only creating stuff externally for our own pleasure and comfort; but not for our peace. And still we wonder why there is suffering in the world !!
Everything in this world; science, math, technology, the Vedas, the Bible and Quran all exist for the sole purpose; to enhance human existential reality. However, that enhancement is hindered because of our constant fear of ‘what next’. Please realize you attain real peace, not by leading a powerful life, but by leading a fearless life.
So how does one overcome fear and end suffering?
Each one of us is gifted with a free will to create the life we wish to live. The free will to stay with our own human intelligence or raise ourselves to divine intelligence. This is enlightenment. Failing which, even with all the knowledge, one is still controlled by external circumstances and surroundings.
Free will is your choice alone. A Guru, Master or even God cannot command you to be enlightened and happy all the time. A Guru can constantly remind and recommend you practice the teaching to experience the state of powerfulness, or to eliminate the state of powerlessness. They can guide you so you are always on the path of peace and prosperity. But the choice to walk that path is yours. The real Guru will remind you of the path until you have the ability to remind yourself; and from that moment on you are your own Guru.
In this state you realize the Ego which separates you from God is totally dissolved, suffering is eliminated, and life is not difficult at all. But the human world prefers to dwell in its own Ego and so is controlled by external circumstances.
It is your free will to either stay in Ego or to dwell in an Enlightened state. Once you choose the path of enlightenment; you will realize through your own practice that you have all the power to create your own surroundings and circumstances where suffering is never a possibility. Your peace is your choice.
Wishing you a life of peace, prosperity and happiness.
Atmayogi Shri Aasaanji
Aham Brahmasmi !